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What is troxerutin used for?

Troxerutin is a flavonoid found in the skin that can be prescribed for varicose veins and disorders of blood circulation. This compound strengthens the walls of blood vessels and is an antioxidant. It is generally taken as a capsule after meals or during the meal. It should be taken for two to four weeks and […]

What is rosmarinus officinalis flower and leaf extract?

This herb is used in many cosmetic products. It is reported to be found in at least 32 different formulas. Among these products, the most commonly used ones include deodorants and toothpaste. However, there are other types of rosemary extract that are often used in cosmetics. For example, you might find rosemary oil or extract […]

What are the benefits of pycnogenol (pine bark extract) in skin care?

Pycnogenol (pine bark extract) is an antioxidant that stimulates collagen production. Collagen gives elasticity to the skin, but the production decreases with age. This collagen-boosting action has prompted skincare manufacturers to include pycnogenol in many anti-aging products. Pine bark extract (from Asian Masson pine) is one of the most commonly used formulas. Many skin care […]

What is acetate gossypol?

Acetate gossypol is a natural product that has been shown to induce infertility in guinea pigs and humans. Gossypol binds to the Bcl-xL and Bcl-2 proteins and has a Kis of 0.5-0.6 mM. In a study on gossypol, the drug produced significant reductions in pituitary cell size, degranulation, and hypertrophy. The rat pituitary cells exhibited […]

Poria cocos extract skin benefits

Poria cocos is a medicinal mushroom native to East Asia. It has long been used as an edible, natural medicine. The dried sclerotia of Poria cocos is a polysaccharide with a diverse range of biological activity. Poria cocos is widely used in traditional Oriental medicine for treating chronic and acute gastritis, gastric atony, and oedema. […]

Does lutein improve eyesight?

What is lutein? Lutein is a powerful pigment that is naturally found in leafy greens. However, it is not found in sufficient quantities in our food. A healthy diet is essential for lutein absorption. A daily serving of kale has 22 milligrams of lutein. Its antioxidant activity is impressive. It combats the effects of free […]

Health benefits of raspberry juice powder

One of the most important benefits of raspberry juice is its high antioxidant content. This juice is rich in Vitamin C, which helps maintain skin youth and reduce early signs of aging. Raspberry juice mixed with aloe vera or curd can be used to prepare a face mask. Apply this mask to your face for […]

Is hesperidin and naringin safe to take?

The SCOGS concluded that hesperidin and naarin did not pose a hazard to humans, and that naringin-rich orange bioflavonoid complex concentrates were not harmful to rats. In addition to this, the hesperidin and naringin-rich oranges showed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Studies in mice have shown that hesperidin and naringin do not significantly alter body weight or […]

Is baicalein the same as skullcap?

That is the question that is always on people’s minds when they see the name of this herb. The answer is yes. It is one of the active ingredients in Chinese medicine, and it is also used in the treatment of liver and other diseases. The plant is native to China and has been used […]

The benefits of herba ajugae extract

Herba ajugae is native to China which is an aromatic herb from Tibet. and is used in several formulations for respiratory ailments.  is an aromatic vegetable. The volatile oil produced by herba ajugae inhibits viral replication and adsorption. It may prevent and treat viral infections and bacterial infection. Its volatile oil has antibacterial properties. Its […]