What is acetate gossypol?

Acetate gossypol is a natural product that has been shown to induce infertility in guinea pigs and humans. Gossypol binds to the Bcl-xL and Bcl-2 proteins and has a Kis of 0.5-0.6 mM. In a study on gossypol, the drug produced significant reductions in pituitary cell size, degranulation, and hypertrophy. The rat pituitary cells exhibited a progressive regression, and gonosomatic indices of the sex accessory glands were reduced. The seminiferous tubule diameter decreased significantly with acetate gossypol administration. Acetate gossypol also reduced the number of Sertoli cells.

Acetate gossypol inhibits the growth of Raji cells and induces apoptosis. In addition, the drug causes the cell cycle to stop at G0/G1 phase and activate caspase-3. A flow cytometry study showed that gossypol acetate reduced the expression of the Bcl-2 protein. Its effects on the Raji cell lineage were similar to those reported in mice.

Further studies are needed to determine the biological effects of gossypol. In addition to inducing apoptosis, it also inhibits the activity of telomerase. Gossypol also modulates c-Myc and Akt, two proteins that regulate apoptosis. It also inhibits NF-kappaB activity, which may explain the mechanism by which gossypol induces apoptosis.

Gossypol Acetate is a natural compound isolated from the cotton plant. Its active component accounts for about 1.5% of the cotton seed’s weight. It is primarily used as a medicine and helps control spermatogenesis in both male and female species. It has antitumor activity and has been shown to be effective in cancers of the bladder and adrenal cortex. Gossypol is also used as a contraceptive for men.

The drug gossypol acetate is an orally bioavailable solvate of gossypol. It binds to the hydrophobic surface binding groove BH3 of anti-apoptotic proteins and inhibits the proliferation of tumor cells. It has a variety of anti-tumor properties, and is being investigated for its efficacy as a single agent for multiple myeloma.

Research on gossypol acetate reveals that it induces apoptosis in primary cultured ALL and CLL cells. It also has a synergistic effect with dexamethasone, inhibiting the growth of both Raji and mononuclear cells. Further, gossypol acetate affects the survival rate of Raji cells. The compound is also effective in inhibiting Raji cells, but is less effective against B cell cancers.

Riotto has been dedicated to plant extract and nutritional ingredients for more than 12 years. We have specification products and can also meet customers’ needs according to customization with competitive price. Our factory can also provide product certificates and test reports,If you are looking for a reliable acetate gossypol supplier, you have come to the right place, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

30 % polysaccharide poria mushroom extract

Poria cocos extract skin benefits

Poria cocos is a medicinal mushroom native to East Asia. It has long been used as an edible, natural medicine. The dried sclerotia of Poria cocos is a polysaccharide with a diverse range of biological activity. Poria cocos is widely used in traditional Oriental medicine for treating chronic and acute gastritis, gastric atony, and oedema. The mushroom contains triterpenes, polysaccharides, amino acids, and choline.This mushroom has been used for centuries to improve skin health.

30 % polysaccharide poria mushroom extract

Poria cocos extract is a natural supplement that is extracted from Fu-Ling mushrooms. It has the ability to regulate sebum production, detoxify the skin, shrink enlarged pores, and clarify the complexion. The polysaccharides and triterpenes in poria are believed to have anti-tumor properties. They may also have a protective effect against ssA toxins, which are the main causes of skin aging and disease.

The extract from poria cocos regulates skin hydration and balances neuropeptides responsible for inflammation. It can help reduce under-eye puffiness, relieve dark circles, and protect skin from environmental influences. It is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It is derived from the fungus and contains other beneficial ingredients such as avocado oil, panthenol, and urea.

Poria is widely used in Asia. It accounts for 10% of the medicines listed in the People’s Republic of China’s 2000 Pharmacopoeia. Although clinical trials are lacking, animal studies suggest potential uses of poria. Nevertheless, its use is widespread in China. Dosages have varied from three to 45 grams per day. Although poria is safe for use, its use is limited by contraindications. Among these contraindications are polyuria, spermatorrhoea, and urogenital prolapse.

The poria cocos mushroom has been used for more than 2,000 years in traditional Chinese medicine, and is now showing signs of promise for a variety of health issues, including depression, arthritis, osteoporosis, and even skin aging. As with any supplement, it’s important to find a reliable source of information, especially about its safety and efficacy. In the United States, supplements are largely unregulated, which makes it difficult to know if the product you buy is safe for human consumption.

poria mushroom extract

The polysaccharides in P. cocos possess anti-oxidant properties, inhibiting the synthesis of iNOS and COX-2, and inhibiting the release of inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-a. This anti-inflammatory property is further supported by the findings of ethanol extract of P. cocos. This herbal medicine is used widely in the treatment of inflammatory disorders, including arthritic conditions, autoimmune diseases, and inflammation.

Riotto has been dedicated to plant extract and nutritional ingredients for more than 12 years. We have specification products and can also meet customers’ needs according to customization with competitive price. Our factory can also provide product certificates and test reports,If you are looking for a reliable poria cocos extract supplier, you have come to the right place, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Does lutein improve eyesight?

What is lutein? Lutein is a powerful pigment that is naturally found in leafy greens. However, it is not found in sufficient quantities in our food. A healthy diet is essential for lutein absorption. A daily serving of kale has 22 milligrams of lutein. Its antioxidant activity is impressive. It combats the effects of free radicals, protects the retina, and lowers inflammation in the brain and eye. Moreover, it has been linked to improved mood, cognitive function, and memory. Lutein has several positive effects, but these benefits should not be relied upon without consulting a physician. In addition, a supplement may be beneficial for people with certain eye diseases or digestive disorders, smokers, and post-menopausal women. Lutein supplements are sold in soft-gel capsule form and are widely available at health food stores and online.

Research has linked high lutein intake and blood levels to improved cardiovascular health. This is believed to be due to the anti-inflammatory properties of lutein. The daily supplementation of lutein has been linked to lowered cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels, two known risk factors for heart disease. However, some studies have failed to detect a correlation and further studies are necessary to better understand its role in heart health.

Natural marigold extract powder lutein zeaxanthin bulk supplier

Research has shown that dietary supplements of lutein can protect against cancer. Recent studies at the University of Southern California suggest that a low lutein intake is linked to the thickening of artery walls, which can lead to arteriosclerosis and clogging of carotid arteries, which can result in heart attacks and stroke. In contrast, people with the highest intake of lutein were less likely to develop metabolic syndrome and were less likely to develop the disease.

Besides its role in eye health, lutein is also an important antioxidant. It may prevent the progression of age-related macular degeneration and help slow down the onset of other eye disorders. Studies have also shown that lutein supplements can prevent age-related macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of vision loss and blindness. In addition, they may reduce the risk of cataracts.

Researchers have linked a high intake of zeaxanthin and lutein with a lower risk of cataracts. These nutrients are also believed to protect the retina from damage caused by blue light from digital devices. They have even been associated with an inverse relationship between the incidence of cataracts and dietary intake. And the benefits of lutein and zeaxanthin go far beyond eye health. They may help protect the retina from age-related macular degeneration.

The benefits of lutein and zeaxanthin are often paired. Studies have found that taking supplements containing zeaxanthin and lutein at a dosage of one to two milligrams per day have health benefits. However, it should be noted that large doses of lutein may slow down the progression of macular degeneration and preserve vision in people with early stages. Further research is needed to determine if these benefits are worth the risks.

Natural marigold extract powder lutein zeaxanthin bulk supplier

In addition to helping prevent eye disorders, lutein can also prevent oxidative damage that contributes to aging. Inflammation and oxidative stress are linked to several eye conditions, including cataracts, age-related vision loss, and eye diseases. Additionally, lutein may prevent heart disease and type 2 diabetes. If you are pregnant, it is a good idea to supplement lutein with a vitamin or mineral supplement.

Riotto has been dedicated to plant extract and nutritional ingredients for more than 12 years. We have specification products and can also meet customers’ needs according to customization with competitive price. Our factory can also provide product certificates and test reports, If you are looking for a reliable lutein powder supplier, you have come to the right place, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

raspberry juice powder

Health benefits of raspberry juice powder

One of the most important benefits of raspberry juice is its high antioxidant content. This juice is rich in Vitamin C, which helps maintain skin youth and reduce early signs of aging. Raspberry juice mixed with aloe vera or curd can be used to prepare a face mask. Apply this mask to your face for at least 30 minutes and you will have a glowing skin. If you do not want to invest in a costly juicer, you can purchase a powdered raspberry.

In a recent study, antioxidants in raspberry juice may help prevent heart disease. The berries contain compounds called phenolics, which have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. These compounds may help decelerate brain aging. Raspberry juice is also thought to fight cancer, as it contains anthocyanins, which have anti-cancer effects. In one study, a meeker red raspberry extract dismantled 90 percent of breast cancer cells. Moreover, it also lowers inflammation, which may be a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

raspberry juice powder

Apart from lowering blood sugar, raspberries are believed to improve insulin resistance. Their tannin content may help reduce the absorption of carbohydrates from meals, which will have a positive impact on blood sugar levels. They are also rich in antioxidants, which may help protect against cancer. Some animal studies suggest that raspberries help reduce the risk of cancer. They may also reduce the symptoms of arthritis, and are thought to block the COX-2 enzyme.

Other benefits of raspberry juice powder include the prevention of certain types of cancer. The ellagic acid found in the fruit prevents the growth of cancerous cells by activating the biochemical reaction known as Apoptosis. In addition, ellagic acid triggers the self-destruction of cancer cells. It has also been shown to inhibit the growth of colon and liver cancers in mice. Its anti-inflammatory properties and high antioxidant capacity are among the other health benefits of raspberry juice powder.

The nutrient content of red raspberries has led to its increased appreciation for its culinary versatility and a host of other applications. This may be attributed to an increase in public interest in nutrition and the media’s coverage of the red raspberry’s benefits. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the berry have been studied and linked with improved blood pressure, lipid profiles, atherosclerosis, and vascular function. However, there are still some unanswered questions about the role of red raspberries in preventing or reducing chronic diseases.

Raspberries are packed with Vitamin C and beta-carotene, which help boost the immune system and prevent diseases associated with a weak immune system. They also contain magnesium, which helps melt away excess fat from the body. Despite its high nutritional value, raspberry juice is low in calories and rich in antioxidants. It also contains calcium, which is stored in the bones and released into the body when needed. Additionally, the fruit contains manganese, which helps slow down the digestion process, and fiber, which helps promote weight loss.

Riotto has been dedicated to plant extract and nutritional ingredients for more than 12 years. We have specification products and can also meet customers’ needs according to customization with competitive price. Our factory can also provide product certificates and test reports,If you are looking for a reliable raspberry juice powder supplier, you have come to the right place, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Pure bitter orange citrus aurantium extract powder hesperidin supplier

Is hesperidin and naringin safe to take?

The SCOGS concluded that hesperidin and naarin did not pose a hazard to humans, and that naringin-rich orange bioflavonoid complex concentrates were not harmful to rats. In addition to this, the hesperidin and naringin-rich oranges showed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Studies in mice have shown that hesperidin and naringin do not significantly alter body weight or hemoglobin levels. Interestingly, they both suppress the activity of NEU3 sialidase, which is the enzyme that degrades GM3 in plants. Hesperidin dihydrocalcone showed similar inhibition activities as compared to naringin, although naringin did not show the same effects. The naringin was not detected in the same way as hesperidin.

Pure bitter orange citrus aurantium extract powder hesperidin supplierThe hesperidin and naringin complexes inhibit a number of enzymes, including NEU3 sialidase, which degrades GM3. In addition, naringin and hesperidin have been found to enhance oxidative stress, inhibiting the growth of tumors in many different tissues and cells. They also suppress the activity of lipids, a marker for inflammation.

Both naringin and hesperidin have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In a recent study, hesperidin and naringin were administered to mice in a dose-dependent manner. Nevertheless, the pharmacokinetics of the two flavonoids were not significantly different. The dose-dependent effect was observed after oral administration of naringin and hespéridin in rats.

In addition, hesperidin and naringin are potent inhibitors of platelet aggregation in rat and mouse models. They inhibit the PLCI3 and Akt enzymes in the liver. The combination of naringin and naringin inhibits apoptosis and reduces the risk of heart disease in diabetic patients.

In a study of diabetic rats, hesperidin and naringin showed hypoglycemic effects. The combined intake of naringin and vitamin C prevented oxidative stress, lowered glucose levels, and improved insulin concentrations. In mice, hesperidin and nanringin significantly lowered the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and reduced glucosidase and insulin resistance.

Hesperidin and naringin were found to have a therapeutic effect on diclofenac-induced hepatotoxicity in male Wistar rats. Both naringin and hesperidin have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Aside from this, hesperidin and naringin have also been shown to inhibit the oxidative stress caused by diclofenac in hepatic tissue.

In a recent study, hesperidin and naringin have shown anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. In particular, hesperidin inhibited the synthesis of proinflammatory mediators in the liver and pancreas. Further, naringin has been shown to inhibit the expression of NF-kB in the blood. This suggests that hesperidin and nairingin may benefit the treatment of diseases related to aging.

Riotto has been dedicated to plant extract and nutritional ingredients for more than 12 years. We have specification products and can also meet customers’ needs according to customization with competitive price. Our factory can also provide product certificates and test reports,If you are looking for a reliable hesperidin and naringin extract powder supplier, you have come to the right place, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Scutellaria Baicalensis extract

Is baicalein the same as skullcap?

That is the question that is always on people’s minds when they see the name of this herb. The answer is yes. It is one of the active ingredients in Chinese medicine, and it is also used in the treatment of liver and other diseases. The plant is native to China and has been used as a herb for centuries. It is bitter and cold energetic and was traditionally used to resolve toxins and clear heat. In addition to its medicinal properties, it is commonly included in herbal formulas aimed at treating liver problems.

The Chinese skullcap contains five primary polyphenols, including baicalin. It also contains wogonoside and oroxylin-A-7-O-glucuronide. The two plants are closely related, but their chemical profiles differ. The former is more common and is used in various traditional medicines to treat mood disorders and anxiety, while the latter is used in traditional Asian medicine to treat kidney and liver problems.

It is important to note that the Chinese skullcap has several distinct chemical constituents. The most abundant polyphenols in the root are baicalin and wogonoside. The remaining components include oroxylin-A-7-O-glucuronide and chrysin-6-C-a-L-arabinoside-8-C-b-D-glucoside. In the United States, the blue skullcap has the highest concentrations of flavonoids, with a moderate amount found in the leaves.

Scutellaria Baicalensis extract

The research suggests that baicalein is the active ingredient in the Chinese skullcap. It protects the nerve cells associated with Parkinson’s disease. This is a long-term disease characterized by tremor, stiffness, and slowness of movement. While baicalein is considered safe to use in healthy adults, it may increase the risk of hypoglycemia and drowsiness.

The antioxidant found in the Chinese skullcap has been shown to protect nerve cells in mice with Parkinson’s disease. It also prevents alcohol damage in rats and may prevent scarring in the liver. However, it is not completely safe. In some cases, it can cause drowsiness and can lower blood sugar levels. Some studies suggest that it may be dangerous for pregnant women.

Baikal skullcap has been widely used in Chinese medicine for various conditions. It has been reported to improve mood and reduce anxiety. Its extracts have also been studied for their anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.

The active compound in the Chinese skullcap, baicalein, is believed to protect nerve cells. It may prevent the development of Parkinson’s disease. It also improves motor function and may help relieve stiffness and tremor. It is generally safe for adults, but it may have harmful side effects. It is important to note that baicalein is not the same as skullcap. Despite their similarities, they are two different plants.

In studies conducted on rats, baicalein concentrations in skullcap roots ranged from eight percent to fifteen percent. It also increased the activity of certain liver enzymes in the body. In addition, in the laboratory, a study on mice revealed that the plant can reduce the risk of developing cancer by reducing the activity of the gene responsible for fat synthesis. This suggests that it can prevent the occurrence of tumors.

Although research on the benefits of skullcap is limited, it has shown positive effects in clinical trials. It is used for a variety of ailments, including inflammation, anticancer, and circulatory disorders. Currently, it is available in the market as an herbal supplement in many countries. Aside from this, it is also widely used in traditional medicine in China and Russia. In fact, Baicalein and skullcap are often combined in the same formulations.

natural bulk skullcap root extract powder baicalin extract supplier

Researchers have shown that the Chinese plant baicalein inhibits the expression of a gene that helps regulate the production of surfactant protein in the body. This is an effect of its antioxidant and anticancer properties. It also suppresses inflammation in the body and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Riotto has been dedicated to plant extract and nutritional ingredients for more than 12 years. We have specification products and can also meet customers’ needs according to customization with competitive price. Our factory can also provide product certificates and test reports,If you are looking for a reliable skullcap extract powder supplier, you have come to the right place, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].